Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My alarm clock

5:44 every day this week: Amelia comes into our room and stares at me in the face until I open my eyes and jump out of my skin. Then I turn over to go back to sleep and she goes into her room to get her blanket and pillow and comes back in and climbs up onto our bed.

Yesterday I was napping when Micah came into our room, hopped up onto the bed, squatted on all fours (back end toward me), dropped his underwear and spread his cheeks. "I need some desitin Mom." Another great way to wake up.


Christy said...

That is the funniest thing I have read all day and I have been up since 6:30 am. I love reading your blog Kandi, I can't wait for hearts at home to start up again!!

Freckles and Frogs said...

So I'm not the only one applying destin to the potty trained crowd today! That made me smile, and thankful I wasn't the only one staring at 4.5 year old bottoms today!

Luke Coles said...

Your kids are awesome.

Jeremy and Laura Lebow said...

Ah, things to look forward to when Clara can get out of her bed herself. I guess I shouldn't complain about her waking up around 7:15-7:30. :)