Monday, July 28, 2008


This post has nothing to do with my kids... so hang on to your britches because I don't usually post about these kinds of things. I'll try to keep it simple.

I just finished an incredible book called The Shack by William P. Young. It is a whole new look at God and how he relates to people. It would be a great book for someone struggling with the whole concept of God and his "judgement" and how he can allow evil things to happen. It really challenged me to look differently at my beliefs.

A little background: Over the past couple of years I have come to realize that my relationship with God is a little twisted. I have these "superstitions" that keep me from fully surrendering myself and allowing him to use me to his fullest. For example, I won't pray, "Do whatever you need to do so that I can know you better," because in my mind I am giving permission for him to let something awful happen. Maybe he's going to take Ryan so that I will have to learn how to totally depend on him. Well, yesterday as I was reading my book, a part of it stood out to me and was so incredibly freeing to read. Here is part of the book I want to share.

At this point in the story, "Mack" is talking with God about why things happen and why his daughter had to die.

Mack: "Is that what this is about? Did she have to die so you could change me?"
God: "Whoa there, Mack. That's not how I do things."
Mack: "But if she hadn't died, I wouldn't be here now..."
God: "Mack, just because I work incredible good out of unspeakable tragedies doesn't mean I orchestrate the tragedies. Don't ever assume that my using something means I caused it or that I need it to accomplish my purposes. That will only lead you to false notions about me. Grace doesn't depend on suffering to exist, but where there is suffering you will find grace in many facets and colors. She was not your sacrifice, Mack. She is and will always be your joy. That's enough purpose for her."

Wow. Please read it.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blueberry Birds

This morning we took a trip to Target and on the way had a sweet little conversation that I had to write down on the back of a receipt so I could blog the accurate words.

Micah: Look! There's a blueberry bird!
Me: Oh yeah! I see a blue bird.
Micah: Its called a blueberry bird.
Me: (avoiding the I'm always right tone) I think its called a blue bird.
Micah: No, Mom. Its a blueberry bird because it's blue. I know everything, but you don't know a few things.
Ryan and I gave each other a well, then look and tried to keep from laughing.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Tonight the kids were out in the little wading pool on the deck cleaning up after eating fudge-cicles. (Amelia looked like she had been attacked by one.) They were in the pool and arguing over the floatie-tube thing. Amelia had been using it and then she let Micah have a turn and now she wanted it back.
A: I had it first!
M: Its my turn. I'm playing with it!
A: You know what the Bible says...
Ryan: What does the Bible say, Amelia?
A: I don't know?
Micah: Do all things without complaining or arguing.

Explanation: A couple of weeks ago we were all in the car listening to K103 and Ryan and I noticed that they both knew all the words to one of the songs. It wasn't a bad song, but it reminded me of what sponges they are. I started playing the "Hide 'em in your Heart" cds in the car. They are CDs of bible verses put to songs. In the song for "Do all things without complaining or arguing," there is a section in the middle where the kids are arguing and a little girl jumps in with, "Hey, guys! You know what the Bible says..." Amelia loves this part in the song and apparently knew how to put it into the context of real conversation.

Now, don't think my kids are angels because they know a bible verse. Amelia can talk the talk, but has some trouble walking the walk. Specifically... walking. She much prefers to have me carry her... especially when my arms are full of things. Yesterday she didn't get to go swimming because of the fits she threw as I was insisting on her walking. Today she was a piece of work. Maybe I'll remember to bring that verse up next time she has an episode.


We've been having fun swimming at the club. Whenever we need to change I take the kids into the women's locker room and micah does a "blind walk" (I lead him through as he closes his eyes) through until we get to the back corner of the lockers where we change. Yesterday Amelia was being a cranky pants and cried the whole time in the locker room. I must have said something about losing my temper, because after a while Micah said, "Mom, did you lose your temperature?"

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

the hunter

We had a fun 4th at Detroit Lake. We decided to head home after the fireworks on Saturday instead of staying another night (we wanted to sleep in our own beds). We left about 11:00 on Saturday night. As we drove off, Micah started talking about a fish that he caught but had to throw back in because it was too small. It didn't make it because it swallowed the hook too deep. He was kind-of sad because of that. Anyway, the conversation moved on and Micah said, "Dad, Jordon thinks you hunt."
Ryan: "Why does he think that?"
M: I told him you have a gun.
Ryan: I don't have a gun.
M: Yes! You have the hot glue gun. I told Jordon it was a hot-glue gun, but he thinks you hunt.

It makes you wonder... What else do people think we do???

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I updated the list of people I spy on. Susan's blog is called Freckles and Frogs. Her son, Noah, sounds alot like Micah. We met Susan and Danny at a meeting in Lakeview that Ryan attends every year and we are so excited that they are moving to Corvallis so we can get together more often (more than once a year, that is). Serena is Luke's wife and I've just been lazy and haven't added her to my list. She and Luke recently moved back to the portland area. Sara is my good friend from church who is likely going to move away soon. :( And lastly, here's the deal. I would have kept my sister-in-law at the top of my list (family obligations, you know) if she ever updated her blog. Once a year is not good enough, honey. Hop back on the blog-train and I will be happy to move you back up to the top. :)

I know my kids have said funny things lately, I'll just have to remember them and I'll put a fun post up soon.