Sunday, November 30, 2008

My little philosopher

Place: In the car...
Micah: Mom, my music at night says that everyone who believes in God is like a light in the darkness.
Me: That's right.
Micah: So, I decided that I'm going to believe in God so that I can be a light in my really dark room at night.

Place: In the living room
Micah: Dad, how old is God?
Ryan: Oh, I don't know. Well, he's older than the earth, and the earth is millions and millions of years old. I don't know if God really has an age.
Micah: So, like... 29?
Ryan: Oh, well I'm 29, so he's got to be older than that.
Micah: Maybe like... One hundred and ninety-two (very dramatic, because its the biggest number he's ever thought of)?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Night #3...

Not dry at all. I got him up about 10:00 and he had already wet the bed. Then again about 4:00 in the morning. Here is what I've learned from my scientific experiment...
1. He does pee in his sleep
2. He can get a lot out before bed.
3. He is a HEAVY sleeper. We can take him to the bathroom and he has no memory of it.
4. He's not just being lazy (glad I never told him that).
I think we will go back to pull ups for awhile. I don't mind using them if I know they're needed. But somebody, PLEASE tell me how to get rid of that horrible stale pee smell in our bathroom? (I know, emptying the garbage of the FULL pull-ups would help.)

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Night #2... not so dry

Last night Micah went to bed about 7:00, then Ryan took him to the batheroom about 9:30. He came in at 3:00 and said his bed was wet. I went down and changed the sheets, he changed his pajamas and underwear and went right back to bed. It wasn't bad, but could get annoying if it keeps happening. I remembered something that my sister had used with her oldest. It was a bedwetting alarm. As soon as the sensor senses moisture it sends an alarm sound to wake the child up so he can go to the bathroom. I just ordered one online. I found some for up to $150.00, but I bought one for $20.00. I hope it works as well.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dry Night #1

You may want to read the previous post first...

He did it! He was dry this morning. I had the sheets set out and I was mentally prepared (as much as I could be) for the long night. We only have two sets of twin sheets, so I wasn't sure what I would do if we had to change the bed more than once. I got him up at 9:30 and made him go to the bathroom. He came up to our room this morning about 5:30 and I said, "Are you dry???" He said he felt a little wet, but his pajamas were dry, so I said, "That's good enough for me!" He got 3 tokens in his token jar, too. I raved about how proud of him I was.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Please tell me I'm doing the right thing...

Tonight Micah put his pull-up on to get ready for bed. Then I heard him mumble something about having to go to the bathroom while he was standing in his pull-up in the living room. I looked over and just knew... "Did you pee in your pull-up again?" I asked. "Yeah," he said with puppy-dog eyes (That DON'T work on me when he does this). "Go, take your pull-up off and wash yourself up. You're done with pull-ups." I said. I wasn't mean about it, but I'm done with his little games (peeing in his pull up to "try it out," telling me he doesn't have to go before bed and then getting up to go 5 minutes after we tuck him in). I know that for some boys it takes until they're like eight or something, but I am convinced that when he pees, he is awake. I believe that he's just lazy (I know that sounds harsh, but I really do).
So... here's the plan. He's wearing underwear tonight, and I fully expect to have to get up and clean up once or twice, BUT I'm going to have him help me take the sheets off, etc. I'm hoping it will convince him to acutally go to the bathroom before bed (He tells me nothing will come out when I know he hasn't gone since 3:00 or so), and then maybe I can find out if he really needs a pull-up for the rest of the night or not.

F.Y.I. I don't function with lack of sleep (like you didn't know this already).

Monday, November 10, 2008

Another new look?

This is what Micah was wearing when he got dressed this morning. Ryan and I had tears coming out because it was so hard to keep from laughing. What you can't tell is that he is wearing his cammo shorts backwards. He was completely serious about this uni. for today. He had no idea that we were taking picutes because he looked so funny. Ryan asked Micah if he could take a picture of him and then the kids were all ready for a photo shoot. Amelia wanted a picture of the back of her back.
Then they wanted a picture of their feet.
Wow! Never a dull moment around here.
This morning they were playing duck, duck, goose. Micah said, "Amelia, you sit down. I'll be the ducker and I'll pick you!"

Here is Amelia enjoying her pudding.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New look?

Here are my new glasses. What do you think? I asked one of my kids at school if she thought I looked smarter. She said, "Yeah! ... and pretty!" Is that a back-handed compliment, or what?