Monday, January 29, 2007

Choo Choo Time Out

This morning Micah was playing with his trains and he got really upset. He said he was mad at them.

me: How did they get in trouble?

micah: Because they push Thomas away... away from the person. I said, If you push Thomas away from them then you get a spanking again.

me: Make sure you tell them you love them after they get a spanking.

micah: okay. (to his trains) You can't push Thomas away, na na na na na, na na, na na na. I love you.

My thoughts: Is that what I sound like when I talk to him before his spanking? Thats all he hears isn't it? Na na na na na... obey mommy... na na na na na... I love you. At least he gets the important part.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Lost the Camera

I've been putting off the next blog because we can't find our camera anywhere. Last week I rearranged the "office" and I'm guessing it got misplaced in the move. Actually, I'm guessing it is in one of Micah's new found hiding places. Who knows when that will turn up. Anyway, I took a picture with Micah's new digital camera.

I took this picture with Micah's camera.

Here are some of Micah's previous subjects:

Some more artistic approaches:

And my personal favorite:

I think he has a future... what do you think?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Two stories

First Story:
A couple of nights ago, Micah came into our room in the middle of the night. He went over to Ryan's side of the bed (he always goes to Ryan's side, I don't mind...) and banged his hand on the pillow three times. I woke up startled (but not as much as Ryan, I'm sure) and said, "What do you need, Micah?" He came over to my side and said, "I had a bad dream. There was a big dinosaur." I thought for a minute and said, "Aren't you glad that God watches over us even when we have bad dreams?" (His sunday school class had been talking about that exact thing.) As if a switch was flipped, Micah said, "Yep, and its all gone now!" and he turned and walked out of the room.

Second Story:
Amelia woke up at 5:00 this morning. Neither of us were ready to get up, so I made her a bottle and laid her down in front of the TV with her Baby Einstein video on and went back to bed. I could hear her squealing and laughing for a while (she loves those videos) and then when we woke up at 6:00 we realized that we hadn't heard her in a while. Ryan went out to check on her and she was sound asleep on the carpet. We tried to take a picture but couldn't find the camera before Micah woke her up.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Our little thief

Tonight as Ryan picked Micah up from his class, Micah slipped a toy into his underwear. We didn't find out about it until he took it out as we were picking Amelia up from the nursery. I guess we need to talk about stealing.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sitting up

Today Amelia sat up by herself from her tummy-wanting-to-crawl position. AND... a few days ago, Ryan saw her crawl two strides. She's getting big.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My dear, sweet child

Our "exciting" snow day has become a countdown until we get to go back to work. Micah has been pushing the limits all day. We barely made it to nap time and put him and Amelia down for naps. I slept too and after about an hour, Ryan got Micah up because he wasn't sleeping. When asked why he didn't sleep for his nap, he said, "Sometimes I like to take naps and sometimes I don't. Today I don't." Later on, Ryan was making cookies and Micah was "helping." Ryan poured something into the bowl and Micah exclaimed, "Oh, my dear, sweet child!" Honestly, you never know what is going to come out of his mouth. Okay, one more... This was a couple of weeks ago when Micah was taking a bath. *rewind* For the past few months Micah has been learning that "dam" is not a word to use. However, he doesn't remember if he should say "dam" or "bam" when he is using his hammer. Sometimes I can tell he is doing it on purpose and sometimes it is pure innocence. *fast-forward* As he was getting out of the bath that day he wanted to take some of the toys out with him. He said, "Can I take my dammer?"


We're all home today due to the weather conditions. The roads at our house are just a sheet of ice covered by an inch or two of snow that has fallen in the last hour or so. It's beautiful!

Here Amelia is saying her farewell to the couches that have yet to be taken to their burial.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Farewell old friends!

Today we said goodbye to two wonderful friends who have been in the family for 18 years. Originally from the Portland area, the couches briefly lived in Spokane, WA and Gresham before retiring to Salem. Although a completely accurate number is unknown, it is believed that the couple hosted thousands of backsides and cat-naps over the years. They supported us in good times and bad, through many family gatherings, and in their later years found comfort in their job as a jungle gym for little arms and legs. Arrangements were made by Valley Garbage and Recycling. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to La-z-boy, Levitz, or other quality furniture locations.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


My poor children are so sick with colds. You know how kids are, though, they go and go until they collapse. Amelia keeps smiling inspite of the fluid in her lungs, ear infection and nasty cough that she has an inhaler for. Micah has a cold with a nasty cough also. Today when we got home from an outing, Micah collapsed on the couch. Too adorable for words...

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

A visit with the cousins

Yesterday I took the kids up to my sister's house for the day. They had a picnic on the floor and watched "The Magic School Bus." This is a picture of them lounging in front of the TV.

At one point Jenny and Justin were in the car with us and Jenny was telling Micah that she had bubble gum at home. Now, when Jenny talks, she's a little hard to understand because she can't say her "s" sound. Instead she says a "k" sound. She told Micah, "It's krawberry kortcake!" Then Micah says, "Mom! Jenny has strawberry... (pause-thinking) kortcake gum!" You had to be there.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Looking in a mirror?

I'm finding out that my son has a personality trait that I posess (no, I didn't say good trait). Nearly every time I tell him to do something he pipes back with, "I know." If any of you knew me as a child, this was every other phrase out of my mouth.

My daughter, on the other hand has my sleep habits. That girl would sleep all day if we let her. Today she got up at 7:30 and by 8:30 she went down for a nap. She slept until 11:30 and stayed awake for a whopping 3 hours. We put her down again at 2:30 until I woke her up at 5:00 so that she would sleep when we put her down at 7:00. That's my girl!

Here we are!

Okay everyone! We've joined the world of bloggers. If you want to follow along with our day to day life, feel free.