Saturday, July 19, 2008

Blueberry Birds

This morning we took a trip to Target and on the way had a sweet little conversation that I had to write down on the back of a receipt so I could blog the accurate words.

Micah: Look! There's a blueberry bird!
Me: Oh yeah! I see a blue bird.
Micah: Its called a blueberry bird.
Me: (avoiding the I'm always right tone) I think its called a blue bird.
Micah: No, Mom. Its a blueberry bird because it's blue. I know everything, but you don't know a few things.
Ryan and I gave each other a well, then look and tried to keep from laughing.


Christy said...

Reagan is into the same sort of thing. If someone else says it, its practically the gold standard. But if what I say contradicts her thought in the slightest then I'm wrong.
I do love these conversations, all of them!!

Jeremy and Laura Lebow said...

I absolutely LOVE blogs! I'm kind of addicted to them. It's a fun way to post stuff that you want to remember and let others see it, but mostly, I like looking at others'. Your kids are adorable!