Thursday, March 6, 2008

Potty, sneakiness, and a can of worms

Potty: I walked by the bathroom yesterday just in time to catch Amelia putting her baby on (more like in) the toilet. I said, "Amelia, your baby needs to use the little potty." So she put the baby on the little potty and proceeded to pull up a stool to sit in front of her (just like I do with Amelia). Then she grabbed the book that was on the back of the toilet and started reading to her baby. She's got the routine down. All she needs now is to actually GO on the potty.

Sneakiness: Last night we were put Amelia to bed and then before we went to bed we went into her room to cover her up. She must have gotten up because now there was a book, two more blankets, and a doll hat in her bed. Hey, as long as she's quiet. :)

I believe I opened up a can of worms a week ago when I let Micah sleep in bed with me until Ryan got home. We've never allowed him to do this before, but I was too tired to take him back to his room when he came into mine that I asked if he wanted to sleep on Daddy's side until he got home. Ever since then, when he gets up in the night he asks if he can sleep in our bed. Last night when he asked I said, "No, honey, but daddy will be gone on Saturday and then you can come sleep in my bed." Still half asleep, he said, "Okay. Mom? Let me know when Daddy leaves, okay?"

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