Saturday, May 26, 2007

Something to Cry About

This morning Ryan was cleaning the toilet (I know, my husband is the best) and he told Micah to put something in Amelia's crib.
Micah: I'll just put it here so that I can watch you clean the toilet.
Ryan: But thats not what I told you to do. Go put it in the crib please.
Micah: (lots of whines, crawling) But I want to watch Daddy.
Me: Micah, do what Daddy says right away.
Micah: (more whining, etc.)

Then I took Micah upstairs for a talk and when we were done he came back down to continue to watch Ryan. However, Ryan was done cleaning the toilet. For the next 2 minutes we heard...
Micah: (Crying while saying this) But I wanted to watch Daddy clean the toilet!

What have you cried about this morning?

1 comment:

Rosie said...

I have tagged you with a question on my blog!!!