Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Two stories

First Story:
A couple of nights ago, Micah came into our room in the middle of the night. He went over to Ryan's side of the bed (he always goes to Ryan's side, I don't mind...) and banged his hand on the pillow three times. I woke up startled (but not as much as Ryan, I'm sure) and said, "What do you need, Micah?" He came over to my side and said, "I had a bad dream. There was a big dinosaur." I thought for a minute and said, "Aren't you glad that God watches over us even when we have bad dreams?" (His sunday school class had been talking about that exact thing.) As if a switch was flipped, Micah said, "Yep, and its all gone now!" and he turned and walked out of the room.

Second Story:
Amelia woke up at 5:00 this morning. Neither of us were ready to get up, so I made her a bottle and laid her down in front of the TV with her Baby Einstein video on and went back to bed. I could hear her squealing and laughing for a while (she loves those videos) and then when we woke up at 6:00 we realized that we hadn't heard her in a while. Ryan went out to check on her and she was sound asleep on the carpet. We tried to take a picture but couldn't find the camera before Micah woke her up.

1 comment:

Jason and Ranae said...

So cute! It took me a while to get to your blog. Our internet is super slow right now. Hope you guys are doing well! We are working away, and would love to help you guys:) Wish you lived closer. We have a few advantages right now, namely we don't have two kids:)