Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My dear, sweet child

Our "exciting" snow day has become a countdown until we get to go back to work. Micah has been pushing the limits all day. We barely made it to nap time and put him and Amelia down for naps. I slept too and after about an hour, Ryan got Micah up because he wasn't sleeping. When asked why he didn't sleep for his nap, he said, "Sometimes I like to take naps and sometimes I don't. Today I don't." Later on, Ryan was making cookies and Micah was "helping." Ryan poured something into the bowl and Micah exclaimed, "Oh, my dear, sweet child!" Honestly, you never know what is going to come out of his mouth. Okay, one more... This was a couple of weeks ago when Micah was taking a bath. *rewind* For the past few months Micah has been learning that "dam" is not a word to use. However, he doesn't remember if he should say "dam" or "bam" when he is using his hammer. Sometimes I can tell he is doing it on purpose and sometimes it is pure innocence. *fast-forward* As he was getting out of the bath that day he wanted to take some of the toys out with him. He said, "Can I take my dammer?"

1 comment:

Rosie said...

I cannot wait until James really starts to talk (or maybe I can).
*Related Story*
From the time he was little forest thought people were saying Damage instead of Dam it. He still says Damage. :)