Tuesday, June 17, 2008

my boy

I've been meaning to blog about this for awhile, but haven't gotten around to it. Micah has recently learned how to say his "th" sound. Now he can say three, thirteen, Ethan, etc. When he couldn't make this sound he used an "f" sound instead. So he would say free, firteen, Efan, etc. Well, now he thinks that all words that he used to say with an "f" sound should be with a "th" sound. For example, the other day he said, "Mom! Watch this... Conthrence (conference)". I said, "Oh, honey, thats really great, but that word is supposed to have an f sound in it." Of course he says these "th" sounds with careful preparation... when he says three it sounds like "thu-ree." The other day we were out to breakfast with my mom and she was trying to get him to say thoughtful. That was tricky. He prefers "thoughtthul." He was talking about his cousins the other day and mentioned one time when he played with Thrankie (Frankie). He so wants to get it right, but is so cute when he gets it wrong.

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