Friday, November 23, 2007

4:30... the time Micah woke up on Wednesday (my day off). the time Micah woke up on Thursday (both of us had the day off) the time Micah woke up on Friday (again, day off). We spent the night at Ryan's folks house after Thanksgiving but Micah still opted for his inhumane early wake-up. Luckily there was something we could do. SHOPPING!!! So Micah and I got dressed and braved the elements and were at Fred Meyer by 5:15 this morning. People at the store would say, "Did your mom get you up early to go shopping this morning?" If only... I replied with a simple, "Finally, there's something to do when he gets up at 4:30." Today we are setting up Christmas. Its pretty fun. Amelia knew exactly which ornament was hers because it was the only thing pink on the tree. She's pretty excited about all the decorations. I'll post pictures soon.


Lisa Pietzold said...

Hi, my name is Lisa, and you don't know me, but I just chanced upon your blog because my husband was editing my user profile (I don't even do much blogging...) and your blog was two clicks away via "music teacher" link. Your name was first. It seems we know some of the same people (Jason & Ranae Green, and Jay & Allison McKenney ...I know them from church). Anyway, I thought that was so cool! http:\\

Lisa Pietzold said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa Pietzold said...

Sorry, I think I got the link wrong.

Luke Coles said...

I feel so bad for you. Tyson slept till 8:30 this morning. I might hang Tyson by his toes if he thinks 4:30 is the time to wake up.

Trixie Traveler said...

Had fun catching up on your blog today. I love seeing the pictures of your kids. Anne and Steve used to get up real early, too. I never thought about going shopping though. That was a great idea!