Monday, February 12, 2007

Does fever cause hallucinations?

Last night Micah had a fever of 103.8. I don't think he's ever had a fever like that before. He kept coming into our room after he had fallen asleep saying things like, "there's fire on my pillow," or "the spiders are going to burn me" (he saw spiders on his covers). He was also dreaming about a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode he saw yesterday where all the color was gone and Mickey and his friends had to find something of each color of the rainbow so the color would come back. He really seemed to see this happening. He said, "See, over there! Do you see it?" It was really starting to freak us out. He's feeling better this morning, but his fever isn't gone yet. Amelia has a slight fever too. I'm hoping this means we're at the tail end of this sickness. Its been 10 days since all of this started.

A little story: Last night Ryan and Micah went to Walgreens to get some more children's tylenol and some other things. In the check out line Micah would point to something and ask what it was and then ask if they could buy it. First it was a spongebob pen. Then it was a little pillbox/keychain thing. Micah said, "Can we get that Dad?" Ryan said, "We don't need that honey. Micah said, "We can get it for Mom to put her pills in."

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