Saturday, March 28, 2009

Still here...

My apologies for the lack of blogging. Here are some highlights from the last month or so...

M: Mom, is it still raining?
Me: It's just sprinkling honey.
M: What?
Me: It's just sprinkling. (a little louder)
M: What???
Me: (getting totally annoyed) I said, it's just sprinkling.
M: What is sprinkling?
Me: When it's just raining a little bit. Like when you put sprinkles on something, only a few come out at a time.
M: Oh.
A few minutes later.
M: Is it because it's spring and the rain cleans everything?
Me: No, honey.
M: Mom, look. It's spring-cleaning again.

The Paper airplane
Scene: We were at our vacation home (Ryan's parents' house that we look after while they are in CA for the winter) and I had made a couple of paper airplanes for Micah. Ryan had made one too, but Ryan doesn't know how to make paper airplanes, so it was just folded paper.
M: What's this? (picking up the seudo-airplane and looking at it quizzically)
Ryan: It's the paper airplane I made
M: Oh. (pause) It's really good, Dad. I really like it. You did a good job, Dad.
Micah continued to reassure Ryan two or three more times throughout the day that he really liked the paper airplane.

Micah, Amelia and Drake having a picnic at our "vacation home."

Amelia in her laundry basket bed

1 comment:

Melissa Zollner said...

spring cleaning, ha ha ha ha ha! he is so funny!