Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Weight Update

Yesterday we met with the lactation consultant again for a weight check and to see how his sucking is improving. At the appointment yesterday he weighed 7lbs 13oz. Almost back to his birth weight. Praise the Lord. What a relief. We had a rough weekend because basically we were feeding him 2 oz every 2 hours. Well, it took a full hour to get 2 oz into that little body, so it was like one hour on and one hour off. Exhausting, to say the least. He is sucking much better so hopefully he will eat more at each feeding and we can lengthen the time between feedings.
Tomorrow we see the orthopedist for Brody's first set of casts. Pray for us. I'm a little sad about it because his feet are part of who he is and I love everything about them, but I know they need to be fixed if he is going to walk and run and play. I had a couple of photo sessions with him. Enjoy.

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