That was me tooting my own horn. I do not profess to be a seamstress, however, every once in a while I get a wild hair and spend some rediculous amount of money on fabric and then try to make something out of it to prove that it was worth it. Yesterday was one of those days. I have been looking around for a nap mat for Amelia for when she goes to daycare. Searching the internet, I came up with two possibilities: Cheap ones that are ugly, or expensive ones that are gorgeous. I decided to make my own.

I am so pleased with the outcome. I spent about $50 on fabric (40% off at Fabric Depot!). Online, this kind of thing was around $150. It has some very clear homemade qualities to it, but I love it and I think Amelia does too. I have quite a bit of fabric left, so I think I might make one for her doll too.
That is so CUTE! I love it! Impressive!!!!
Good Job. You can toot your horn over that!
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