I updated the list of people I spy on. Susan's blog is called Freckles and Frogs. Her son, Noah, sounds alot like Micah. We met Susan and Danny at a meeting in Lakeview that Ryan attends every year and we are so excited that they are moving to Corvallis so we can get together more often (more than once a year, that is). Serena is Luke's wife and I've just been lazy and haven't added her to my list. She and Luke recently moved back to the portland area. Sara is my good friend from church who is likely going to move away soon. :( And lastly, here's the deal. I would have kept my sister-in-law at the top of my list (family obligations, you know) if she ever updated her blog. Once a year is not good enough, honey. Hop back on the blog-train and I will be happy to move you back up to the top. :)
I know my kids have said funny things lately, I'll just have to remember them and I'll put a fun post up soon.
1 year ago
Ha ha ha... .at least you can admit you're spying! I'm going to add you to my list as well! I LOVE your blog! 3 more weeks... and we're pretty stressed out! oh well, it'll all be calm soon, until we go crazy in our tiny 2 bedroom apartment!
You have a blog, so do I!! Its me Christy from the Demarle home party, Gymboree, Hearts at Home, its such a small world. I love that you have a blog. I use to not know a single "real in person friend" who had a blog and now I know 4 from hearts at home.
Read you soon,
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