Tonight Ryan stayed home with the kids while I went to church to teach. Amelia had a fever of 103.5 today. Anyway, Ryan told me about her prayer tonight...
A: Dear Jesus, thank you [for] Daddy, thank you mommy, thank you micah, thank you daddy... (pause)
Ryan: Are you done now?
A: No, Daddy, Mina still praying. Thank you...somebody, thank you... somebody else. Amen.
Micah's prayer included the usual, "Thank you for the whole earth, help people who don't have money...give them money if you have some," but this time it included, "Thank you for outer-space." They had just watched the "Magic School Bus" where the kids go into outer space.
Aren't they cute and so genuine?

1 comment:
That's a cute pic. I love their blond hair.
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