1 year ago
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Today is our 8th anniversary. This morning we had loaded the kids into the van and we were about to leave when Ryan said to the kids, "Today is a very special day. Its Mommy and Daddy's anniversary." I said, "Yep. Eight years ago today Mommy and Daddy got married." Without skipping a beat, Amelia yelled, "SUPRISE!!!"
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Tonight Ryan stayed home with the kids while I went to church to teach. Amelia had a fever of 103.5 today. Anyway, Ryan told me about her prayer tonight...
A: Dear Jesus, thank you [for] Daddy, thank you mommy, thank you micah, thank you daddy... (pause)
Ryan: Are you done now?
A: No, Daddy, Mina still praying. Thank you...somebody, thank you... somebody else. Amen.
Micah's prayer included the usual, "Thank you for the whole earth, help people who don't have money...give them money if you have some," but this time it included, "Thank you for outer-space." They had just watched the "Magic School Bus" where the kids go into outer space.
Aren't they cute and so genuine?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
is going great! Okay, I know we've only had 3 official (non-school) days, but if you know me, you know I get very uneasy about the thought of summer. As much as I look forward to the warm days and sunshine, I get scared at the thought of being home all day with my kids. I tried it for a year when Micah was born and just about checked myself into the mental hospital. I couldn't take it. I don't think God wired me that way. Anyway, this summer I am teaching swim lessons at the athletic club and it has been going beautifully. This week I'm teaching from 11:00-12:30, so we usually do something in the morning, then we go to the club, come home and have lunch, naps and then play until dinner when Ryan gets home. Its perfect for me because I function so much better with a pre-set schedule. I'm not a very good self-motivator. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I work out before I teach from 9:15-10:15, then take the kids outside for a snack and then teach lessons.
Here are some pictures of our recent smores evening on the deck...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
my boy
I've been meaning to blog about this for awhile, but haven't gotten around to it. Micah has recently learned how to say his "th" sound. Now he can say three, thirteen, Ethan, etc. When he couldn't make this sound he used an "f" sound instead. So he would say free, firteen, Efan, etc. Well, now he thinks that all words that he used to say with an "f" sound should be with a "th" sound. For example, the other day he said, "Mom! Watch this... Conthrence (conference)". I said, "Oh, honey, thats really great, but that word is supposed to have an f sound in it." Of course he says these "th" sounds with careful preparation... when he says three it sounds like "thu-ree." The other day we were out to breakfast with my mom and she was trying to get him to say thoughtful. That was tricky. He prefers "thoughtthul." He was talking about his cousins the other day and mentioned one time when he played with Thrankie (Frankie). He so wants to get it right, but is so cute when he gets it wrong.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Micah's Prayer
Tonight Micah's prayer went like this: "Dear Jesus, Thank you for Mommy and Daddy and Baby Sister. Thank you for... please help people who don't have money... give them money if you have some.
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