Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Today Ryan was home with the kids. He told me this story when I got home.

Setting: In the kitchen at snack time. Ryan had just poured vanilla wafers into a bowl for Micah's snack

Micah: (counting out his vanilla wafers) I have 9 hips!
Ryan: What are hips?
Micah: You know, like Mommy has.
Ryan: (puzzled look)
Micah: You know, what girls have... (goes over to amelia and looks down her shirt) well Amelia doesn't have any.
Ryan: I can't wait to tell your mom.


Luke Coles said...

So that's what they're calling them these days.

Anonymous said...

Um, should I be worried about his "nice hips" comment to me the other day? (j/k)