Wednesday, March 19, 2008

snack time

Here is a picture of Amelia eating snack today, though she just picked the m&ms off the top of her kudos bar.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Today Ryan was home with the kids. He told me this story when I got home.

Setting: In the kitchen at snack time. Ryan had just poured vanilla wafers into a bowl for Micah's snack

Micah: (counting out his vanilla wafers) I have 9 hips!
Ryan: What are hips?
Micah: You know, like Mommy has.
Ryan: (puzzled look)
Micah: You know, what girls have... (goes over to amelia and looks down her shirt) well Amelia doesn't have any.
Ryan: I can't wait to tell your mom.

Have Patience

Last night at dinner I was pouring milk and I asked for Micah's cup. He was busy playing with something else at the table and I wasn't feeling well, so I asked again (a little annoyed) and Micah said, "Mom, I need you to have patience."

Saturday, March 15, 2008

no contacts

This morning we were running errands when I started to tell Ryan that Micah told me he knew how to read:
Me: Micah told me the other day that he knew how to read because he saw a sign that said "no skateboarding on the sidewalk" and he knew what it said.
M: I do know how to read!
Me: I think you're good at using context clues (there was a picture of a skateboarder with a slash through it).
M: I don't even need contacts, because I can see everything!

Tonight I was praying with Amelia. She loves to pray, so we usually say the words and she repeats them. A typical prayer is something like, "Dear Jesus, thank you for Daddy, thank you for mommy, thank you for Micah, thank you for loving me, help me to sleep good, help me to feel better," I wanted to see if she could pray a little on her own. I prompted her, "What are you gonna say?"
A: Dear Jesus,
Me: Thank you for...
A: Thank you... Jessie
Me: Who else?
A: Thank you... Buddy (I think this may have been Bailey).

Friday, March 14, 2008

NOT canadian geese!

Here is the conversation Micah and I had in the car this morning.
M: Mom, I see some birds over there!
Me: Are they canadian geese? (He's been telling me about canadian geese, I'm not sure where he learned about them, maybe grandpa?)
M: No, they're just birds.
Me: How do you know?
M: Because they're not making letters. (I think he means the V when they fly)
Me: Oh, only canadian geese make letters?
M: Yeah.
Me: What kind of letters do they make?
M: Oh, you know... A, B, C... D, E, F... GHIJK, elaneno p...
ME: Oh, they make all those letters?
M: Yup.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


The other day Micah said to Amelia (in his high-pitched I'm talking to a baby voice), "Melia, do you want to get married? I have a ring for you. Can I shall have this dance?" It was very cute. Amelia is much better. She's been sleeping great, but she still has this cold that she's had for almost a month. Here are some recent pics of the kiddos. I'm glad they love each other.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I never knew what it was until last night at about 12:30 when I was on the phone with a nurse. Amelia started crying and coughing last night, so I went down to cover her up and make sure she was okay and I sat there watching and listening to her breathe. She sounded awful. She had this horrible wet sound when she took a breath and then she sounded like a seal when she coughed. I went back to bed and layed awake for about 15 minutes until she started coughing again and decided to call the doctor. It was a very scary night especially because Ryan is out of town. The website I read said that the 2nd or 3rd night of it are usually the worst. I'm not looking forward to it. I'm trying to figure out what to do if I have to go to the ER tonight. So this morning we went grocery shopping and stopped at Walgreens to pick up a humidifier. I planned to get the cheapest one, but somehow the kids talked me into getting the Winnie the Pooh humidifier. It was not the cheapest one.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Potty, sneakiness, and a can of worms

Potty: I walked by the bathroom yesterday just in time to catch Amelia putting her baby on (more like in) the toilet. I said, "Amelia, your baby needs to use the little potty." So she put the baby on the little potty and proceeded to pull up a stool to sit in front of her (just like I do with Amelia). Then she grabbed the book that was on the back of the toilet and started reading to her baby. She's got the routine down. All she needs now is to actually GO on the potty.

Sneakiness: Last night we were put Amelia to bed and then before we went to bed we went into her room to cover her up. She must have gotten up because now there was a book, two more blankets, and a doll hat in her bed. Hey, as long as she's quiet. :)

I believe I opened up a can of worms a week ago when I let Micah sleep in bed with me until Ryan got home. We've never allowed him to do this before, but I was too tired to take him back to his room when he came into mine that I asked if he wanted to sleep on Daddy's side until he got home. Ever since then, when he gets up in the night he asks if he can sleep in our bed. Last night when he asked I said, "No, honey, but daddy will be gone on Saturday and then you can come sleep in my bed." Still half asleep, he said, "Okay. Mom? Let me know when Daddy leaves, okay?"

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Wow... 2 weeks without a blog!

I know, I'm a slacker. I've had plenty to blog about, too. Here's whats been going on...

Amelia is sleeping in her "big girl bed." A.k.a. the side is off her crib and we have her pack-n-play pushed up next to it as a rail. She loves it. The first night she wanted to sleep in the pack-n-play, but ever since then she's loved it. She even stays in it at bed time! We haven't had to work on the whole "Stay in your bed" routine.

Amelia went no.1 on the toilet for the first time. She was excited and loves to sit on the toilet, but I don't know how to get her to initiate it herself. She wore underwear on Friday morning, so I thought she wouldn't like it when they got wet. No, she just kept playing...

I took Amelia to the Dr. on Friday because she had pink-eye, but by the time our appointment came around she looked and seemed fine. He checked her out and she had a bad ear infection and some fluid in her lungs, so she's on an anti-biotic and steroids.

Micah is in a phase of deciding if he wants to be a "big boy" with all the privileges and responsibilities that come with it, or if he would rather be a baby. For example, he whines every time he has to put his shoes and socks on or put his seat belt on and I tell him that its all part of growing up. There are lots of things he gets to do that Amelia doesn't because he's older, like stay up later (she goes to bed about 6:15 and he goes at 6:45 usually), he gets to play quietly in his room when he wakes up in the morning, she has to stay in her bed. He gets "quiet time" while she has to take a nap, etc. (Its interesting that what he thinks are privileges would be punishments to any other kid, but he doesn't know any different.) So, he's in an inner struggle deciding if he's ready to accept the responsibilities of being a "big kid."

Micah has been learning that other people believe different things than him. He's had many discussions at the baby sitter's house about whether he or others believe in God and if he is real. Heavy stuff for a 4 year old to have to deal with, but we've had some great conversations because of it. His teacher at hearts at home is such a blessing. I told her about our conversations and she's been talking to the kids about similar things in their class.

We got Micah registered for pre-kindergarten at a christian school near us that also has day care for two-year olds. I'm so excited that they will be in the same place and I will be able to take them and pick them up (Ryan's been doing all of that for the last 3 years.) We've had such a great child-care provider for the last 3 years. The change will be tough on the kids, but will work out in the end.

I think that's about all for now. Hopefully it won't take 2 weeks to update again. Happy March!

OH!!! AND, Costco carries YAMAHA pianos now! I now know where my kids get their drooling problem from, I did it for a good 20 minutes today at Costco! Finally, they're carrying some quality pianos... if only... $