I know, I'm a slacker. I've had plenty to blog about, too. Here's whats been going on...
Amelia is sleeping in her "big girl bed." A.k.a. the side is off her crib and we have her pack-n-play pushed up next to it as a rail. She loves it. The first night she wanted to sleep in the pack-n-play, but ever since then she's loved it. She even stays in it at bed time! We haven't had to work on the whole "Stay in your bed" routine.
Amelia went no.1 on the toilet for the first time. She was excited and loves to sit on the toilet, but I don't know how to get her to initiate it herself. She wore underwear on Friday morning, so I thought she wouldn't like it when they got wet. No, she just kept playing...
I took Amelia to the Dr. on Friday because she had pink-eye, but by the time our appointment came around she looked and seemed fine. He checked her out and she had a bad ear infection and some fluid in her lungs, so she's on an anti-biotic and steroids.
Micah is in a phase of deciding if he wants to be a "big boy" with all the privileges and responsibilities that come with it, or if he would rather be a baby. For example, he whines every time he has to put his shoes and socks on or put his seat belt on and I tell him that its all part of growing up. There are lots of things he gets to do that Amelia doesn't because he's older, like stay up later (she goes to bed about 6:15 and he goes at 6:45 usually), he gets to play quietly in his room when he wakes up in the morning, she has to stay in her bed. He gets "quiet time" while she has to take a nap, etc. (Its interesting that what he thinks are privileges would be punishments to any other kid, but he doesn't know any different.) So, he's in an inner struggle deciding if he's ready to accept the responsibilities of being a "big kid."
Micah has been learning that other people believe different things than him. He's had many discussions at the baby sitter's house about whether he or others believe in God and if he is real. Heavy stuff for a 4 year old to have to deal with, but we've had some great conversations because of it. His teacher at hearts at home is such a blessing. I told her about our conversations and she's been talking to the kids about similar things in their class.
We got Micah registered for pre-kindergarten at a christian school near us that also has day care for two-year olds. I'm so excited that they will be in the same place and I will be able to take them and pick them up (Ryan's been doing all of that for the last 3 years.) We've had such a great child-care provider for the last 3 years. The change will be tough on the kids, but will work out in the end.
I think that's about all for now. Hopefully it won't take 2 weeks to update again. Happy March!
OH!!! AND, Costco carries YAMAHA pianos now! I now know where my kids get their drooling problem from, I did it for a good 20 minutes today at Costco! Finally, they're carrying some quality pianos... if only... $