I worked one and a half days this week! With two snow days, we've had lots of fun. So, I can't just sit home on a snow day, especially when there's not really enough snow to play in, so we went over to my friend Christin's house and I helped her organize her daughter's room while the kids played. Her kids are conveniently one or two sizes bigger than mine, so she gave me some clothes for Amelia. Here is Amelia with her new skirt and top. (Yes, I cut her bangs. They were straight when they were wet.)
The other night we had those same friends over for pizza and then we watched the kids while Christin taught her swimming class. We waited for quite a while and I thought I saw their van drive by two times. I figured they couldn't remember where we lived and decided to go to McDonalds instead. As we were waiting, Micah and I were talking about it and he said, "Mom, you should tell her that we live in the white house in West Salem." I giggled and told him that there are many white houses in West Salem. He said, "Oh, there's one over there (looking out the window). Tell her its not the one by the mailbox. Its the other one."
Later that evening after Christin left, I was changing Amelia's diaper and Lici (Christin's daughter) asked me about the desitin cream that was laying on the ground. I told her that I used it on Amelia's bottom when it gets red and has owies. She launched into a whole story about how she gets owies on her "(va)gina" and her daddy puts medicine on her gina and this and that about her gina. Then Amelia was brushing her teeth and Lici saw her toothpaste tube and asked, "Kandi? Is this for Melia's teeth or her gina?"
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