Sunday, October 21, 2007

Big Day!

Is it bad that we did baths, read books, put the kids to bed, came downstairs and looked at the clock to see 6:38??? It doesn't really matter. Micah will still come into our room between 5:00 and 5:30 tomorrow morning and ask if he can play in his room. If he stays up later like 8 or even 9, he comes in earlier in the morning. The other night he came in at 1:00AM and asked if he could play in his room. That time, I said no.

Today we went to the pumpkin patch with our friends Shondra and Ethan. Micah and Ethan have been friends since they were born a week apart 4 years ago. We had a blast. We went to Fir Point Farms in Aurora. We would highly recommend it if any of you haven't gone yet.

I'll load more pictures when blogger fixes its problem.

1 comment:

Miss Erika said...

Congratulations on your 6:38pm bed time! Don't you think everyone should try this with their kids?