1. We went to The Enchanted Forest with a good friend and her son who is Micah's age. Micah actually went on the log ride. I couldn't believe it. I thought he would be too scared. ( I left my camera in the car)
***I just changed a poopy diaper that got on the carpet. Ugh. Thank the Lord for Folex!***
2. We went up to my sister's and went to the movies with her 5 kids. Afterward we went to a fun park and ate lunch. Micah was hot so he took his shirt off. He looked like an Abercrombe add with his jeans rolled at the waist and hanging down lower than his boxer-briefs. Then he decided to roll in the grass (while showing us what to do in a fire) and complained that he was itching all the way home. (again, no pictures)
3. We went to a new park for a play date and had lots of fun. Amelia was fascinated with baby Elsa.

Micah likes the "woods" there. There is a little place with lots of trees that you can walk through.

4. We spent a day at my parents' house and Micah rode his bike around their cul-de-sac. He was very proud of himself.

5. On Sunday we visited Grandma and Grandpa in their motor home and then took a spontaneous trip to the beach for lunch at Moe's. Mmm.
6. Yesterday we went to the beach with the same friends that we went to The Enchanted Forest with and had lots of fun. The boys got to play on the beach, we had lunch at Moe's and then went to the outlets.

We've had lots of fun and I'm ready to get back to school next week. :)
Keep checking back. I was tagged and am still thinking of my answers.
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