Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Classroom ready? check!

For the last two days I've been working in my classroom to get it ready for the new year. I thought I would use a little creativity this year. I printed off some Curious George coloring sheets, copied them and made a few changes, put it on an overhead sheet, drew it onto tag board, colored it, cut it out and voila...

Here George is playing a large drum and the boomwhackers.

Here he's playing the recorder and looking really interested at whatever I'm going to write on the board.

Lastly, George is eating a banana by the exit sign.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Willamette Jet Boats

On Saturday Ryan's office had their annual "outing" and we went downtown to ride the Willamette Jet boats. We left the kids with my parents and had a blast. We've never seen downtown from that angle. It was just gorgeous. Here are some pictures:

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ebay auction

You have to check out this ebay auction here and read what she wrote about it. It is hilarious. I guess this mom has a blog at mom2my6pack.blogspot.com. I'm going to check it out next.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Tag... You're it

I've been tagged...here are the rules:
1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

Let's see:
#1 I love word puzzles, number puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, anything like that.
#2 I can't stand cleaning peanut butter off of little fingers.
#3 I throw-up a little in my mouth when my daughter has one of those sneezes where her nose explodes and it runs down to her chin.
#4 I love to look at houses for sale and imagine where I would put things and what I would change if I bought the house.
#5 When I sleep I have to have my covers all the way up to my neck.
#6 When I'm holding somebody's hand, I can't stand it if they scratch the arm or wrist of the hand that I'm holding. It sends chills down my spine.
#7 I love reading people's blogs... especially when I actually know them.
#8 I hate getting my hair cut. I don't like having to make conversation with the hair stylist. Its very uncomfortable for me. Hence, that is why I do it maybe once a year... cut it short, let it grow, repeat.

I am tagging: Rosie and Ranae. I know I'm supposed to pick 8, but frankly I don't know that many bloggers and the ones I do know have already been tagged.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Where have I been?

I don't know why I haven't posted for over a week. I have plenty to share. I even brought my camera on most of our outings, however I often forget to use it. Here's some of what we've done and if I have pictures, I'll add them in.

1. We went to The Enchanted Forest with a good friend and her son who is Micah's age. Micah actually went on the log ride. I couldn't believe it. I thought he would be too scared. ( I left my camera in the car)

***I just changed a poopy diaper that got on the carpet. Ugh. Thank the Lord for Folex!***

2. We went up to my sister's and went to the movies with her 5 kids. Afterward we went to a fun park and ate lunch. Micah was hot so he took his shirt off. He looked like an Abercrombe add with his jeans rolled at the waist and hanging down lower than his boxer-briefs. Then he decided to roll in the grass (while showing us what to do in a fire) and complained that he was itching all the way home. (again, no pictures)

3. We went to a new park for a play date and had lots of fun. Amelia was fascinated with baby Elsa.

Micah likes the "woods" there. There is a little place with lots of trees that you can walk through.

4. We spent a day at my parents' house and Micah rode his bike around their cul-de-sac. He was very proud of himself.

5. On Sunday we visited Grandma and Grandpa in their motor home and then took a spontaneous trip to the beach for lunch at Moe's. Mmm.

6. Yesterday we went to the beach with the same friends that we went to The Enchanted Forest with and had lots of fun. The boys got to play on the beach, we had lunch at Moe's and then went to the outlets.

We've had lots of fun and I'm ready to get back to school next week. :)

Keep checking back. I was tagged and am still thinking of my answers.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Night Terrors???

So last night around 11:00, we heard a sudden loud yell/scream that kept going. (Usually he starts out softly and the crying accellerates.) Micah sounded terrified. I ran into his room and he was standing on his bed screaming. I picked him up and he kept saying, "I don't want to go to ...(I couldn't understand the word)." I carried him into our room because it was clear he wasn't going to calm down in his room. He ended up "sleeping" (he may have slept, but I sure didn't) in our room for about a half hour until Ryan took him back to bed. This morning Ryan asked him if he remembered being scared last night and Micah said, no. I said, "Do you remember sleeping in Mom and Dad's bed?" He said, "Yeah. How did that happen?" So we told him that he had had a bad dream and he slept in our bed for awhile.

I don't get it. We pray every night that Micah wouldn't have bad dreams. What purpose do they serve, besides disrupting all of our sleep? He has some sort of bad dream or terror 5 out of 7 nights a week. Why??? I think I've said this before, but I don't like that I can't protect him in his dreams. He has to face them all alone. Its scary to me. I only hope that God is using them to build his character, to make him courageous and brave. Otherwise, I don't see a point. Its yet another question I'll have to ask when I get to heaven.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Watching the sun rise

We went to another beautiful wedding last night. My sister's sister-in-law, Kelsey (also a good friend of mine) got married to a man she met on e-harmony (it must really work). Another beautiful wedding that I don't have pictures of. I was however, able to meet and re-acquaint with some blog friends. Colette, Allison, Kristi, and Luke were all there. It is strange meeting a person for the first time that you know so much about already because they blog. And then you wonder... how many people know all about my family??? Will someone see us on the street and yell out, "Hey, Micah! How's Amelia doing? Did you have a good birthday? Been bitten by any skabeedos lately? How about bad dreams?" Its kind of freaky, now that I think about it. Please tell me all of you are legit.

Last night, Ryan's sister babysat the kids at his parents' house while we went to the wedding and then we spent the night there. This morning at around 5:30, Ryan heard Micah making some noises so he got up to go see what he was doing. He was standing in his dark room looking out the window. Ryan said, "What are you doing, Micah?" Micah said, "I'm just watching the sun rise. And then later I'm going to watch it rise back down."

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Our Family (Simpsonized)

Here is our family after we have been Simpsonized. Try it. Its fun.

So much make-believe.

Micah walks into the kitchen while I'm on the computer with a big grin on his face and is carrying Amelia's "baby." He comes over and says,

M: Mom, you be the girl and I'll be the boy and then after we get married we'll go to the hospital and get this baby.
Me: Okay. (Still focusing on my blog-reading)
M: No, Mom, we have to dance around and kiss and then we will be married.
Me: Okay. (So I get up and proceed to dance fast, kicking my legs... like Elaine(Seinfeld).
M: No, Mom. Like this. (He takes my hands and we twirl around slowly. Then he puckers up and I kiss him.) Now we're married.

At least he has the order right.

Then he proceeds right into his rescue hero play:
M: Mom, you be Ariel and I'll be Billy Blazes... (on and on and on)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Our trip to San Francisco

Last Thursday Ryan and I flew to San Francisco to attend a friend's wedding. We arrived Thursday morning and spent the day in Livermore (where my aunt and uncle live... we stayed at their house). On Friday we rode the BART into the city and took a tour of the Giants' stadium and then took a tour of Alcatraz. It was a really fun day. We were hurting by the end, though. I mapped out our route and figured that we walked 6.6 miles through San Francisco. That doesn't even count the walking at the stadium or at Alcatraz. We had intended to take the Cable Car from down town to Fisherman's Wharf, but the line was so long we decided to walk. Here is the route we took.
Incredible views from the Giants' Stadium:

The wedding, of course was beautiful. It was at a winery north of San Francisco. It was one of the most beautiful weddings I have ever been to.

Monday, August 6, 2007


Micah just said, "How about when you're done with the computer we can have snuggles?" I love that he likes to snuggle.