***REWIND*** Micah HATES haircuts. He doesn't like noise and buzzing and anything touching his ears, etc. When we take him to Little Clippers he screams so much that the place almost clears out. (Although he does much better if Grandma takes him and Mom is not there.)
***Back to Yesterday*** Ryan started with the clippers and it was okay until it started pulling his hair a little bit. He made it fairly well through the the top of his head being cut, but then he was DONE. He didn't want a treat, or anything. He liked his hair the way it was. Ryan kept trying to reason with him and finally we just had to pin him down and cut the rest. Now remember how we were outside? I seriously thought the police would be knocking on our door, because if you couldn't see us, you would think we were torturing our child. I still wouldn't be surprised if we got a call from Family services or whatever it is called. Anyway, *sigh* it's over, it's very short, and it shouldn't need to be cut for a LONG time.

Found you!!! ;o)
Well, it turned out very well. Obviously, the jail time was worth it, eh? (hee hee)
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