Sunday, February 18, 2007

Tightening the reigns

Ryan and I decided that Micah's constant whining and fussing has been getting out of hand. When we were all sick we weren't as consistent with discipline as we had been. Anyway, today was the day we were going to crack down. I made it clear to Micah that if he fussed or whined, he would need to go upstairs to do it. Otherwise he would have further consequences. He checked his boundaries constantly until about 3:00ish and then suddenly he was fine. It was like he was comforted with the fact that he had solid boundaries again. It amazes me that he is happier when we are more strict with the rules and he knows exactly how far he can go.

Usually dinner is a battle if we try to make him eat what we're eating. I don't know why, but we decided to pick this battle tonight, also. Amazingly, he ate what we ate and didn't complain. Just accepted it. It was our little bright spot in an exhausting, but well worth it day.

In other news, Amelia has two big bulges on her upper gums. I think we might be seeing more teeth soon.

One more thing about Micah. He continues to amaze me with his computer skills. He can click and drag objects. He listens to directions on his little games and then does what they ask. That little brain is so much smarter than I think. Wish mine was.

1 comment:

David, Tiffani, Colton, Allison, Makaila, Rachelle and Hayley said...

Children are wonderful blessing to a marriage, but can be very exhausting at times! I've learned consistency and loving discipline is the key. We have been through quite a few different scenarios in the past.

It is always important to share our struggles with others! It helps us realize we are not the only one in this boat, that we are normal.

I'm sure you are both excellent parents! I don't see how you could be.

Tiff :)