Friday, September 18, 2009

more funnies

We bought Micah a fish tank for his birthday. He was so excited. We gave it to him the morning of his birthday and then I told him that we would take him out that night to get some fish. ...We didn't know what we were getting in to. First the water needed to sit for 24 hours. Then we needed to buy a heater. Then we needed to check the ph of the water, which was way too low. Then we bought some plants - which needed another 24 hours to sit in the water. Anyway, we finally got 4 fish one week later. The second morning of having fish, Micah came up to our room in the morning and told us that it looked like one of the fish was dead. Ryan came down and indeed it was. He removed it and put it in a ziplock to return to the store (they have a 15 day guarantee). We were a little nervous about how Micah would take it. A little later the two of us were looking in the tank and Micah asked, "Where did the other orange one go?" I said, "It looks like he's looking for his friend. He looks lonely." Micah said, as if talking to a baby, "It's okay, fishie, he's just dead in a baggie on the counter."

Amelia and I ran an errand to Fred Meyer on Wednesday morning after we took Micah to kindergarten. I had to use the restroom, so we went in there and I was asking her if she wanted to come into the stall with me or wait outside the stall (we usually use the handicapped stall when she comes in because there is more room). I started walking into the first one because there was another woman walking in and I thought she might want the handicapped stall. Amelia proceeds to say, "Mommy, you should use the big toilet because that's the one that fits you." ... thanks honey...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"God don't want us to share"

I overheard this conversation as I was getting ready for the shower:
A: That's mine!
M: We share all our toys!
A: God don't want us to share!
M: Yes he does! It says in the Bible that we should share!
(I immediately call Ryan to tell him this story, then come down to see how they're doing)
A: Mom, I told Micah to God in my heart that God don't want us to share.
Me: Do you know what the bible says?
A: Uhuh. God is Love.
M: And God says to share all our toys.
Me: He doesn't say that, Micah, but he does say to treat each other how we would want to be treated. I bet you would like Micah to share his toys, huh Amelia?

I guess I AM that mom...

Micah had his first day of Kindergarten yesterday. Ryan took the morning off so he could take him and pick him up. Meanwhile I was at my school getting ready for the day when it hit me. I just started crying. My baby is in kindergarten. This has become one of the many things that has surprised me about being a mom. I've never had a problem letting go... leaving them in the nursery at church, sending them to daycare for the first time, preschool, it's all a natural progression and part of growing up. Kindergarten should be too, right? (do you see why we call him jack-o-lantern?)

In other news, this afternoon we head up to Portland to meet with the pediatric orthopedist to discuss the treatment once little Hoopty (that's what Amelia says we're going to name him) is born.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Amelia's first day of Preschool

Amelia had a great first day of preschool on Thursday. She wore the new dress that Grandma Brody got her. She loves her teacher, Mrs. Boes.