My friend, Erika and I worked out together on Tuesday and then Ryan and the kids came to pick me up. She came over to meet the family and was talking with Ryan about how they are both ushers at church. Ryan mentioned that he ushers on the odd months and Erika said that she ushers on the even months. The conversation went like this:
Ryan: I'm odd months
Erika: I must be even months
Micah: I'm September!
Amelila: I'm two!
Tonight I was putting Amelia's swim diaper on before we went to swim lessons and whispered to Ryan, "She kind of has a big butt!" Amelia started laughing hysterically (we were trying to figure out what she found so funny). Then she said, "Meena has-a big-a butt-a, Mommy!" Ryan was trying to contain his laugh. It was pretty funny.
1 year ago