...when you're busy.

My lack of blogging was certainly not for lack of things to blog about. I think I wrote one in my head almost every day since my last blog. We've been incredibly busy with the start of school and the current birthday "season" as I'm calling it.

Micah lost his tooth. boo hoo. He must have swallowed it in the night because I searched high and low for it. In the morning I noticed it was gone. We looked all around for it and then I said, "I guess the tooth fairy must have gotten it before we even got to see it." Then Micah said, "Where's my tooth pillow? Maybe she left me something." I made eyes with Ryan and he quickly found the pillow while Micah was looking for it and grabbed a quarter off of Micah's dresser and put it in the pocket of the tooth pillow. Then Micah found it and was really excited. Its a good thing he doesn't know the going rate for teeth these days.

We had to take a picture of Amelia's teeth too.

Micah had his family birthday party at my parents' house. It was supposed to be at the park, but just as we were driving over there it started pouring. We had lots of fun with the cousins.

We got Micah a bike for his birthday.

Micah and Amelia started daycare at Riviera. Amelia loves going to "school." She is in the two-year old class and our neighbor is in her same class. Micah goes to the daycare most of the time, but has already had two days of pre-kindergarten. He likes it a lot. Since today was his birthday, he got to bring treats (he picked oreos), a special toy (his build-a-bear monkey), and got to put the number on the calendar and identify the weather.

Micah had his friend party at Chuck E. Cheese's on Sunday. We had a blast with about 20 friends and lots of pizza.
I started school (teaching) and I am loving my new schedule. I now have Wednesdays off and I think it's going to be a good balance. I love it, yet I still struggle with how to manage 30 first graders at a time.