Lately Micah has been a bit... shall I say, annoying at times. But then we get little glimpses of what God is molding him to be and we stand amazed and in awe of what God can do.
Yesterday before Grandma and Grandpa got to our house I asked Micah to pick up his room so that the whole house would be clean (he has never done this on his own before and usually throws a big fit and cries about how hard it is). When G&G got here I went up to his room to see if he wanted to come down or if he wanted help. He said no, he'd come down when he was done and asked me to shut the door. So after a total of about 45 minutes in his room with his door closed, he came down. I didn't get to see his room until later, but it was spotless! He had everything put away. We were amazed and praised him a lot for it.
This morning he told me he wanted to write a note (yesterday he had Ryan write a note to Santa for him).
I thought, great, I wish you would see how much more important Jesus is than Santa. Then he said, "No, I want to write a letter to Jesus." Here is what he told me to write... word for word:
Dear Jesus, I have two bibles. Thank you that you made the whole world. Thank you for making our house. Thank you for making our chairs and our table and our curtains. Thank you that you made my toys. Thank you that you listen to me when I pray. Thank you for our back yard. Thank you for watching the whole world. From, Micah.I was almost in tears when he finished the note. He gets it. He knows that Jesus loves him and listens to him. That's all that really matters. Then he took it over to the fire place and put it on the bricks. I said, "You know what the cool thing about Jesus is? We can talk to him every day and don't have to wait for one day a year like Santa." Micah said, "Well, Santa will just bring it to God... or Jesus."Last night after church we were putting Amelia to bed and Micah wanted to pray with her (because then he doesn't have to pray in his room). So he started praying and after he said one thing, Amelia said, "Amen!" We told her that we were still praying, so she folded her hands again and then a moment later she said, "ni-night" and reached for her bed. Obviously, she's not one for long-winded prayers.
One more thing... Micah was in the garage with Ryan yesterday (Ryan was getting stuff ready to work in the yard). Micah said, "Dad, where is the lily pad?" Ryan was confused. Micah pointed to the cupboard where Ryan keeps the gardening tools. He said, "You know the thing that we use to look between the bushes." Ryan said, "Oh, you mean the kneeling pad?" Micah said, "Yeah."