On Thursday morning at approximately 7:36 AM, I stood in the middle of Safeway with my kids sitting in their "car" whining about something and I prayed a silent plea, "Lord, It's only 7:30. How am I going to make it through this day?" Who do I call when I feel like that? Dad, of course. I called him before we were out of the parking lot and said (in my fake-cheery voice), "What are you doing today?" I was disappointed when he said he was riding his bike to the beach, but then he said, "Do you want to come?"
About an hour later he was at our house and we packed up for a great day at the beach. The weather was perfect. It was a little overcast, but perfect temperature and not real windy. When we got there we ate lunch at Moe's. How can you go to the beach and not?

I didn't know what Amelia would do with it. I thought she would either not like the feel of sand and make me hold her the whole time, or she would try to eat the beach and I would be forced to hold her the whole time. Amazingly, she loved the sand and didn't try to eat it at all. She just sat and played with the little rake in the sand and had a blast.
Micah got his exercise by chasing the sea gulls. He had lots of fun building in the sand and running in the water.